Technical Security from KIBO Sikring

Technical Security - Highest-Quality Security

Technical security encompasses perimeter security, camera surveillance, access control, and alarm systems. All types of products can be delivered as stand-alone solutions or as complex integrated systems.


What is Technical Security?

Technical security encompasses perimeter securityvideo surveillance, access control og alarm systems. All types of products can be delivered as simple stand-alone solutions or as complex integrated solutions.

Technical security products detect and/or alert to unwanted events in an area or building. They often have a preventive effect but do not physically deter anyone from committing a crime. Therefore, technical security typically functions as a supplement to mechanical security. In other cases, it also serves as an independent security solution, such as a burglar alarm

Tailored Solutions with the Future in Mind

Regardless of your starting point, you can be sure that KIBO Sikring will create the security solution that precisely fits your needs. Assembly line solutions do not exist in our world because we take our commitment to protect you and your assets seriously.

As a KIBO Sikring customer, you are guaranteed future-proof security solutions, where only the most advanced and cutting-edge technologies are used. Simple and complex systems are always designed and installed by professional and certified employees who possess the necessary know-how to tailor the optimal security solution for you.

Certified Total Provider and 360-Degree Security Partner

As a total provider, KIBO Sikring can assist you with consultancy, delivery, installation, and service within technical security, mechanical security og mobile security. In short, we can help you with all your security needs - that's why we call ourselves a 360-degree security partner.

KIBO Sikring is ISO 9001 certified and an installer of AIA, ITV, and ADK. Additionally, we are certified according to the requirements set by organizations such as SikkerhedsBranchen, Tekniq, Finansrådet, Politimesterforeningen, Det kriminalpræventive Råd and Forsikring & Pension.

Let's have a conversation about your security needs

You are always welcome to call or write to us, whether it's for a specific offer or just for advice.

Please note, we only do repairs in Denmark.

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phone+45 70 10 70 77

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