By Renting a Mobile Solution in Case of Damage or Breakdown, You Are Guaranteed:
Emergency assistance 24/7 - call 70 10 70 77
If there is an acute damage or breakdown to your gate or barrier system that cannot be repaired, you can rent a mobile gate or a mobile barrier system with very short notice from KIBO Security - call us at 70 10 70 77 around the clock.
Emergency assistance guarantees that your perimeter is restored within a maximum of 12 hours after we receive your call.
By renting a mobile security solution, you are guaranteed that your business can maintain normal operations and comply with current certifications.
"Super service, well satisfied." LEO SØRENSEN HOLDING ApS rented a mobile gate when their gate was hit and suffered irreparable damage.
Our Mobile Products Include
Se tidligere cases

Industry: Pharmaceutical
Mobile Surveillance - COVID-19 Testing Centers
Mobile surveillance solution monitors COVID-19 testing centers in Copenhagen.

Industry: Event
Memorial Concert for Kim Larsen
Den 7. oktober 2018 var vi medvirkende til, at ConCom Safety kunne lukke centrum af København sikkert ned i forbindelse med Kim Larsens røreOn October 7, 2018, we contributed to ConCom Safety's ability to safely shut down the center of Copenhagen during Kim Larsen's touching memorial concert.nde mindekoncert.
Many of our customers are subject to various certifications, including:
- ISPS Terror Security
- ISO 28000
- ISO 31000
- ISO 55000
- And more

KIBO is an expert in emergency services, ensuring that your business meets the certification requirements that your customers expect when collaborating with you.
Download Brochure
Click on the brochure to read more about service & emergency.
With emergency assistance, you get

If You Don't Need Emergency Assistance
We also offer basic assistance, where your security solution will be delivered and operational within 3 working days.
Click here to see all our service agreements.
If it's a larger security solution you need, there may be some additional delivery time.
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